How To Install Zend Optimizer on Any Linux Server

By | June 6, 2008

Recently I’ve seen many solutions on how to install Zend Optimizer using custom build script in Directadmin. I’d like to show you how to install it on almost any linux server using usual linux commands.
First of all, let’s download it from Zend server (they require to register in order to obtain this link.


Then we’ll need to extract all the files from this archive.

tar -zxvf ZendOptimizer-3.2.8-linux-glibc21-i386.tar.gz

Let’s change directory to the newly created one:

cd ZendOptimizer-3.2.8-linux-glibc21-i386

Instead of ./configure we need to run ./


Then you will be asked about your php.ini path and the type of your web server. Installer will automatically reboot apache so the changes will be applied immediately.

Using this kind of installation will save you from any unexpected errors that may appear if you use custom build script for Directadmin or anything else but a tar/gz archive.